
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Puffle Rescue

The new game came out a while ago. But with so many cheats! There are 3 levels, 2 are exclusive(member) and one is for non-members. In the black puffle level if you follow the squid (stay on bubbles) you go underground and there will be a pin.
How To Get A Mining Helmet And Coins
All you have to do is waddle over to the helmets and you'll get one. You can get coins by hammering in different locations.

About Me

This post is limited to only things I can reaveal to my followers. Like I'm a 10 year old Clubpenguin fanatic! And that I like nearly every sport. If I could live anywhere it'd be the second island of Hawaii, Maui.

3/25/10 Newspaper

The new paper came out today about the party. It was also about April Fools Party! Which is the only party I've ever missed! The connect-the-dots was an award.

Penguin Play Awards

Hey! From now to March 28 the "Club Penguin Oscars" or Penguin Play Awards will decorate this island. The free item for non-members is at the dock, it's a press hat. And the member items are the award and a video camera.

First Post

Hey CP cheaters! This is my first post and I'm really exited! I've visited othe blogs, but I've never had my own! My playercard will mostly look like this until I meet G or the Penguin band!