
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mission 11 Guide

Here's the Mission 11 guide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Talk to G.
  2. Go to the Gift Shop, talk to Rookie, and grab the corn seeds.
  3. Do the same thing to Jet Pack Guy.
  4. Go to the HQ and watch Herbert.
  5. Go to the lighthouse and pick up the CD.
  6. Pick up the cleaner and clean the CD.
  7. Pick up the tin can (Trust me you'll need it!).
  8. Go to the Gadget Room and put the tin can in the test chamber.
  9. Click on the Water Icon.
  10. Click on the Ice Icon.
  11. Go to the Beacon.
  12. Talk to Rory
  13. Give him the Ice Thingy.
  14. He'll give you the lense.
  15. Give the lense to the Brown Penguin.
  16. Click on the Black Box.
  17. Click on the Eject Button.
  18. Put in the CD.
  19. Click on the Black Box again.
  20. Take out your wrench.
  21. Unscrew the green box.
  22. Solve the code.
  23. Go to the mine and enter the corn field.
  24. Follow the popcorn.
  25. Collect the papers.
  26. Connect them and grab the wood.
  27. Go back and go left twice.
  28. Then go right then left then left.
  29. Put the board over the water.
  30. Cross trhe river.
  31. Throw the corn seeds into the left flame.
  32. Go up the ladder.
  33. Unplug Herbert's computer.
  34. Get transported back to HQ.
  35. Watch Herbert.
  36. Click on the orange book.
  37. Solve the puzzle.
  38. Dot will come out.
  39. You will go to the Ski Village.
  40. The HQ will explode.
  41. G will talk to you.
  42. Congratulations! You have now finished Mission 11.
  43. Next go to your inventory.
  44. Go to the Awards catagory.
  45. Click on your snowglobe.
  46. Click on the red button.
  47. Click on the goggles.
  48. Say yes.
  49. You have now got the Spy Goggles!

Thanks I hope this helped!!!!!

~Ucd Batboy~