Here's the Mission 11 guide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Talk to G.
- Go to the Gift Shop, talk to Rookie, and grab the corn seeds.
- Do the same thing to Jet Pack Guy.
- Go to the HQ and watch Herbert.
- Go to the lighthouse and pick up the CD.
- Pick up the cleaner and clean the CD.
- Pick up the tin can (Trust me you'll need it!).
- Go to the Gadget Room and put the tin can in the test chamber.
- Click on the Water Icon.
- Click on the Ice Icon.
- Go to the Beacon.
- Talk to Rory
- Give him the Ice Thingy.
- He'll give you the lense.
- Give the lense to the Brown Penguin.
- Click on the Black Box.
- Click on the Eject Button.
- Put in the CD.
- Click on the Black Box again.
- Take out your wrench.
- Unscrew the green box.
- Solve the code.
- Go to the mine and enter the corn field.
- Follow the popcorn.
- Collect the papers.
- Connect them and grab the wood.
- Go back and go left twice.
- Then go right then left then left.
- Put the board over the water.
- Cross trhe river.
- Throw the corn seeds into the left flame.
- Go up the ladder.
- Unplug Herbert's computer.
- Get transported back to HQ.
- Watch Herbert.
- Click on the orange book.
- Solve the puzzle.
- Dot will come out.
- You will go to the Ski Village.
- The HQ will explode.
- G will talk to you.
- Congratulations! You have now finished Mission 11.
- Next go to your inventory.
- Go to the Awards catagory.
- Click on your snowglobe.
- Click on the red button.
- Click on the goggles.
- Say yes.
- You have now got the Spy Goggles!
Thanks I hope this helped!!!!!
~Ucd Batboy~